Running out of Time and Sky
Beth Prindle
wood, fabric, glass, metal
36 x 16 x 4 inches
Beth Prindle creates assemblage art which reflects upon the human experience: rites of passage; the definition of home, place and belonging; social issues; and the essence of change. She primarily creates in wood and metal materials collected from estate sales and flea markets. Old tools whose functions are obsolete are a favorite starting point. Often the components guide her as the piece evolves. Materials, rhythms, colors, and shapes make suggestions.
Running out of Time and Sky by Beth Prindle was featured at Standing Rock Cultural Arts’ “22nd Annual Environmental Art Show” which is part of our yearly Who’s Your Mama? Earth Day festival. The exhibition was on display from April 16th through May 28th, 2022.
Region of Origin: North America
Country of Origin: United States of America